a marketing plan on notes and a phone

How the Think-Feel-Do Model Can Help You Ace Advertising

The “think-feel-do” model is a popular tool advertisers use to understand and influence consumer behavior. By understanding how consumers think, feel, and behave, advertisers can more effectively create advertising that resonates with their target audience. This blog post will explore how the think-feel-do model can help you create successful advertising campaigns.

So if you have heard of it and want to know more about this type of plan, you’re in the right place. If you haven’t heard of this model, then you are also in the right place. This model has been around for a long time, and there’s a good reason… because it works!

The think-feel-do model is a way of thinking about how people make decisions

red and white coca cola signage
A classic ad that drives action.. and thirst

The think-feel-do model of decision-making can be a helpful tool to understand better how people arrive at conclusions and take action. It proposes that decisions are made in three stages: first, deciding what to think, then ascertaining which emotions to feel, and finally, taking physical action. By understanding this path, one can better comprehend the complex journey leading to conclusions and actions. With this knowledge, marketing and customer service processes can become more effective by focusing on different elements at each stage of the decision-making process. Ultimately, using this approach can be beneficial in gaining insights into the way individuals reach decisions.

In advertising, it’s important to understand what people are thinking and feeling to create an effective message

An effective advertisement must reach its target audience on a deeper level than the initial product pitch. That’s why think-feel-do advertising is such an important tactic for marketing teams – by understanding what people are thinking and feeling, marketers can create highly effective messages that hit the right note with their intended audience.

Rather than sticking to facts and figures, this approach to advertising appeals to potential consumers’ hearts and minds, making it that much easier to increase engagement and, ultimately, conversion.

For example, an advertiser trying to sell a new type of car might use the think-feel-do model by first showing potential customers why they should think about buying the car. Then, emotional appeals can be used to make them feel good about their purchase decision. Finally, a call to action can be presented that directly encourages physical activity. The think-feel-do model can help to ensure that your advertising campaigns are as effective as possible.

The model can help you understand your target audience’s needs and wants

The think-feel-do model has become an invaluable tool for businesses to understand their target audiences better. By adopting this model, companies can gain greater insight into their audience’s wants and needs, informed by how they perceive particular issues and how those views inform their behaviors. Companies can then make well-informed decisions based on data derived from the think-feel-do model that is tailored to meet their consumers’ precise needs and wants. This approach allows for a more personalized experience that improves customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty over time.

You can use the think-feel-do model to create ads that are more likely to be successful

To craft attention-grabbing ads that connect with an audience, think about using the think-feel-do model. This model involves identifying what the viewer is likely to think, feel, and do after watching the ad. It forces one to consider the target audience and their motivations and to avoid creating an ad that appeals solely on a superficial level. By delving deeper into the viewer’s psyche, one can craft a message that truly resonates and leaves a lasting impact — resulting in higher engagement and better ad performance overall.

text just do it - the nike motto in text
One of the most known logos and catchlines of all time

A good example of the think-feel-do model in action is Nike’s campaign, ‘ Just Do It’. The ad encourages people to take action and reach their goals, with the tagline ‘Just Do It’ serving as a call to action. It’s an effective example of using emotional appeals alongside a clear message that resonates deeply with its intended audience.

Keep in mind that the think-feel-do model is just one tool of many available for crafting an effective ad

The” think-feel-do model ” is a powerful tool that can help people guide their behavior and decisions. It encourages individuals to reflect on how they are feeling and thinking before taking action. However, this model should not be seen as a one-size-fits-all approach in every scenario. When it comes to creating effective ads, a range of other methods available that can be used in combination with the think-feel-do model. These include data-driven strategies such as A/B testing, user research, and creative techniques like storyboarding and copywriting. By taking an integrated approach to ad design and strategy, marketers can ensure that their campaigns have the greatest potential for success.


By understanding how to apply the think-feel-do model to advertising, marketers can create more effective ads that resonate with their target audience and increase engagement. Keeping what viewers are likely to think, feel, and do after seeing an ad, companies can better understand customer behavior and create more personalized experiences that should result in improved customer loyalty over time. By combining the think-feel-do model with other methods, marketers can ensure their campaigns have the greatest potential for success.

So, there is no reason not to try to use this method in your next marketing plan because it should help. The basis of the model is pretty sound, and even if you don’t think it will work we suggest giving it a try to see if it might shed some light on an aspect of a campaign that might have been overlooked.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the think-feel-do model?

The think-feel-do model is a framework used to analyze customer behavior. It involves considering what the viewer is likely to think, feel, and do after seeing an ad. This helps inform marketers on how to craft more effective ads that resonate with their target audience and increase engagement.

How can the think-feel-do model help me in advertising?

The think-feel-do model can help you create more effective ads that connect with your audience. By considering what viewers are likely to think, feel, and do after seeing an ad, marketers can better understand customer behavior and craft messages that resonate deeply with their intended audience.

What are some of the key components of the think-feel-do model?

The key components of the think-feel-do model include understanding what viewers are likely to think, feel, and do after seeing an ad. By considering both emotional and rational elements of the ad experience, marketers can create messages that resonate with viewers on a deeper level and increase engagement.

How can I use the think-feel-do model to create effective advertising campaigns?

By using the think-feel-do model to analyze customer behavior, marketers can create more effective ads that resonate with their target audience and increase engagement. By considering what viewers are likely to think, feel, and do after seeing an ad, companies can better understand customer behavior and create messages that should result in improved customer loyalty over time.

What are some common mistakes that people make when using the think-feel-do model?

One of the most common mistakes people make when using the think-feel-do model is not considering how viewers might react emotionally to an ad. It’s important to remember that creating effective ads requires taking into account emotional and rational elements, as this can help marketers create messages that resonate deeply with their intended audience.

How can I avoid making these mistakes?

Marketers should take a holistic approach to ad design and strategy to avoid making mistakes when using the think-feel-do model. This includes utilizing data-driven techniques such as A/B testing and user research and creative techniques like storyboarding and copywriting. Taking an integrated approach will ensure that campaigns have the greatest potential for success.

What are some other resources that I can use to learn more about the think-feel-do model?

There are a variety of resources available to learn more about the think-feel-do model, such as articles, eBooks, and webinars. Moreover, many experts in the field offer to consult and help marketers create effective advertising campaigns. Attending industry events or conferences related to digital marketing may also be of great help.