sitting in a marketing team meeting

The Power of the 3E’s in Marketing

In marketing, the 3E’s stand for engage, equip and empower. By focusing on these three key areas, businesses can create a more effective marketing strategy that resonates with customers and drives results. Here’s a closer look at how the 3E’s can help you take your marketing to the next level.

If these E’s are unknown to you, or you forgot all about them, find out what they are and how to use them in your next marketing campaign. It never hurts to review oldies, as sometimes they are goodies…

3E’s in Marketing – engage, equip, and empower

The 3E’s, engage, equip and empower, are an important model for taking on any challenge.

branding plan

Engagement: Brand engagement is key to reaching customers and creating trust. It involves understanding your target audience, developing effective messages, and engaging with them through multiple channels. Social media, email campaigns, and other digital marketing tools can be used to reach out to potential customers effectively.

Equip: Once you’ve engaged customers with your brand, you should equip them. This means giving them the tools and information they need to make an informed decision about your product or service. Customer education can be done through things like tutorials, webinars, blogs, and other content-rich resources that give customers a better understanding of how your offering can help them.

Empower: In order to truly build a relationship with customers, you have to empower them. This means giving them the freedom and control to decide how they interact with your brand and giving them the tools and resources to do so. It also involves creating an environment of trust and open communication that allows customers to feel comfortable in their relationship with your brand.

By focusing on the 3E’s in your marketing strategy, you can create an effective plan that resonates with customers and drives results. The key is to focus on engagement, equip them with the necessary tools and information to make an informed decision, and empower them to take action. Doing so will help create a strong connection with customers and help you to create a successful marketing strategy.

How the 3E’s help create a successful marketing campaign

Utilizing the 3E’s when developing a marketing campaign can be extremely beneficial for companies aspiring to increase their customer base. Engaging customers in the idea of your product or service is key, with modern marketing techniques such as interactive ads, viral videos, and social media posts proving to be fruitful. Equipping your company with the necessary tools to build a powerful presence further allows you to make a lasting impression on potential customers. Finally, empowering individuals involved in the process is paramount to having a successful campaign and one that stands out among the competition. By following these simple steps, your business should have no problem outperforming its peers.

Tips to effectively use the 3E’s in marketing

adidas ad in a magazine

Incorporating the 3E’s into your own marketing efforts is key for success. First, engage customers by knowing the target audience, creating compelling content, and using the right channels to reach them. Brand engagement should be an ongoing process and include customer surveys, polls, and focus groups.

Second, equip customers with relevant information about products or services. This should include developing educational materials that customers can access easily, such as webinars, infographics or videos.

Third, empower customers to make informed decisions; this could involve providing them with access to comparison tools, customer reviews, and detailed product information. Finally, be sure to evaluate your efforts regularly by tracking metrics such as conversion rates and customer engagement. This will help you identify areas of improvement and focus on strategies that are most effective in driving sales and reaching customers. By implementing the 3E’s into your marketing strategy, you can ensure that your customers have the knowledge and power to make informed decisions about your brand.

Examples of how companies used the 3E’s in their marketing campaigns

Companies must utilize the 3E’s in marketing to benefit from successful marketing campaigns. Engaging with customers through personalized experiences is a great way to boost engagement. For example, McDonald’s used their McCafé rewards program by allowing customers to collect points for every purchase and redeem them for free items. This rewarded customers for loyalty and kept them engaged with the brand.

Equipping customers means providing access to the right tools and information to make an informed decision about your product or service. Apple has done this effectively by providing detailed product information within their stores and free technical support and advice.

Lastly, empowering customers can solidify a strong relationship between the company and the customer. Amazon has done this in the past by creating Amazon Prime, a subscription service that provides customers with access to exclusive deals and free shipping. This allowed customers to make more informed decisions and gave them power over their purchase decisions.

By utilizing the 3E’s in marketing campaigns, companies can create an effective plan that resonates with customers and drives sales. This allows them to develop relationships and trust with their customers and provide a competitive edge in the marketplace.


The 3E’s are a powerful framework for creating successful marketing campaigns. By engaging with your audience, educating them about your product or service, and empowering them, you can create a campaign that will resonate with consumers and help you achieve your business goals. Keep these tips in mind as you develop your marketing strategy and utilize the 3E’s to create a campaign that will engage, educate, and empower your target audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3E’s in marketing?

The 3E’s in marketing are Engage, Equip, and Empower. This framework is used to create successful marketing campaigns that engage customers, equip them with the necessary tools and information to make an informed decision about a product or service, and empower them to take control of their purchase decisions.

How can the 3E’s be used to create a successful marketing campaign?

The 3E’s can be used to create a successful marketing campaign by engaging with customers through personalized experiences, equipping them with the right tools and information to make an informed decision, and empowering them to take control of their purchase decisions. Utilizing this framework in your marketing strategy can build customer relationships and trust while providing a competitive edge in the marketplace.

How can I track the success of my marketing campaign?

You can track the success of your marketing campaign by tracking metrics such as conversion rates and customer engagement. This will help you identify areas of improvement and focus on strategies that are most effective in driving sales and reaching customers.

How can businesses use the 3 E’s effectively in their marketing?

Businesses can ensure that they are using the 3 E’s effectively in their marketing by creating personalized experiences, providing access to the right tools and information, and giving customers power over their purchase decisions. By implementing these techniques into your marketing strategy, you can create a campaign that resonates with customers and drives sales.

What are some of the challenges associated with using the 3E’s in marketing?

Some of the challenges associated with using the 3E’s in marketing include reaching customers unfamiliar with the product or service, creating meaningful experiences that engage customers, and providing relevant information to equip them for an informed decision.

How can the 3E’s be used to overcome these challenges?

The 3E’s can be used to overcome these challenges by creating personalized experiences that engage customers, equipping them with the right tools and information to make an informed decision, and empowering them to take control of their purchase decisions. Additionally, companies can utilize free trials or demos to build familiarity with the product or service and offer technical support and advice to ensure customers are informed and confident in making a purchase.